Training: 3rd Class

Third class...this is flying by too quick!

We worked on heeling and down and down/stay. Another trainer also brought in her dog so we could work with a distraction ( Apollo can be "leash reactive"). We learned the most during this class. I was over correcting Apollo, I need to let him work through some stuff. That definitely something I need to work on because it's habit.

I also got to meet a friend I had previously only communicated with online.

GREAT class!

Training: 2nd Class

We began by practicing the first lesson: attention.

Then we started sit, heel, and stay. We need to work on our left turns while heeling and sit with eye contact.

So far so good!
Auto Sit
Sit, Stay

Training: 1st Class

We began training with Apollo at Fortunate K9 today, in Derry, New Hampshire.

We began with a simple exercise; walking Apollo in a large triangle on a long lead. The point is for Apollo to learn an attention exercise.

So far we've been practicing this exercise twice per day for 15 minutes or so. Apollo is improving.

Can't wait to see what the next class lesson is!