In Memory Of...

"He took my heart and ran with it
 and I hope he's running still
fast and strong
a piece of my heart bound up with his
- Patricia McConnell, For The Love of A Dog


May 11, 1992 - September 18, 2005

Najaco's Northeast Storm, "Pepper", was my first dog. We named her after the spice black pepper. She was a great dog. Although she was a labrador, she did not like the water! She liked to snuggle, play, and be around her people. She was a sweet, gentle dog that enjoyed life- whether it be going for a walk on the beach, getting chased by a group of young kids for "stealing" one of their toys, or lounging on the couch. 


Waterdogs Raine Dancer Am/Can CH

OFA Good


Hillsdale Brio of Najaco UD

OFA Excellent

 Breeder & Dam

 "Pepper's" breeder, Linda Flaherty, and dam Hillsdale Brio of Najaco "Cherokee". This was taken June, 1990 when "Cherokee" won First Obedience at the Commonwealth Kennel Club.